§ 展覽資訊
  •  1005
  •  2018-12-01

2018年度臺藝大駐校藝術家進駐,首度由有章藝術博物館辦理徵件,本屆進駐的成員包括邱杰森、郭月女、趙品函、朗讀空間計畫、莫珊嵐(法)、簡麗庭、Dorian Bauer (法)、詹嘉華、高登輝、何巧玲等十位藝術家。


The first open call of artist-in-residence program at NTUA is held by Our Museum in 2018. Ten resident artists include Chieh-Sen CHIU, Yueh-Nu KUO, Pin-Han ZHAO, Space Readers, Margot GUILLEMOT(FR), Li-Ting JIAN, Dorian BAUER(FR), Jia-Hua ZHAN, Deng-Huei KAO, and Chiao-Lin HO.

Instead of displaying artworks in group exhibitions, the artists will take turn and show artworks in their own miniature solo exhibitions to explore and share each other’s unique context of artwork; furthermore, to focus on the deeper language of work and thought of creation.

駐校藝術家工作棧Artist In Residence Program

展期|2018/12/4 ─ 2019/3/31
