§ 徵選活動
  •  516
  •  2019-02-13


Art is the core of the culture industry, and National Taiwan University of Arts (NTUA) is persistent and practical in staying open to a variety forms of art. Our long-lasting devotion in both art theories and practices, both localisation and connection with the international art scenes inspire the making of art and encourage interdisciplinary practice, and we will continue these efforts in the residency program and recruit exceptional domestic or international artists to the Cultural and Creative Industry Park at NTUA, sharing our resources with them to support the production of their artworks, the exhibitions, and other promotional activities. NTUA expects itself to play a part in advancing the practices of art and create a nourishing field for innovation.

■申請資格 Criteria


Domestic or international artist or artist group aged older than 20. In order to offer the residency to more artists, each artist can only renew the contract once.


■進駐方式 About the residency

(一) 採公開徵選方式,由有章藝術博物館邀集專家學者組成甄選委員會甄選之。

The residency program is open for application. The Art Museum will recruit art professionals to join the jury and select the artists.

(二) 以個人或團體名義申請,正取10組,備取3組。

The program opens to both individual and group artists. 10 artists (or artist groups) will be shortlisted and 3 will be in the waitlist.

(三) 類別:視覺藝術與表演藝術,以提高臺藝大文創園區之藝文水平與內涵為原則。

Categories: Visual art, performance art. The purpose is to promote artistic vibe on the campus.
(四) 進駐時間:於簽約後以一年為原則。

Duration: One year.
(五) 進駐地點:國立臺灣藝術大學文化創意產學園區D區2樓,進駐空間約為6至9坪。

Location: 2F, Section D, Cultural and Creative Industry Park, NTUA. Each studio occupies 6-9 ping (approx. 19.8-29.7 m2)


■徵選方式 Selection
(一) 初審:申請資格與資料是否完備及符合規範。

First round: The Art Museum will examine the documentation to see if the applicants meet the compliance and provide sufficient documentation for further review.
(二) 複審:聘請專家學者5-7名進行複審,審查項目包括駐村計畫、作品資料、創作觀念簡述、展演實績及得獎、藝術發展性等。

Second round: The Art Museum will recruit 5-7 art professionals to join the jury and examine the candidates’ art residency plans, detail of artworks, artist statements, exhibition experiences, awards, potentials, and etc.
(三) 評審重點與比重分配如下 Weight of each criterion:

1 駐村計畫 Art residency plan 30%
2 作品資料 Artwork detail 30%
3 創作觀念簡述 Artist statement 20%
4 展演實績及得獎 Exhibitions and awards 10%
5 藝術發展性 Potentials 10%
總計 Total 100%


■徵選結果 Outcomes
(一) 預定徵選10名藝術家進駐本校文創園區,徵選結果將公告於本校及有章藝術博物館網頁,並以書面個別通知申請者。

There will be 10 artists (or artist groups) shortlisted for the art residency program. The outcome will be released on the websites of the Art Museum and NTUA. The applicants will receive individual, paper-based notifications.

(二) 駐校期間,本校將免費提供校園內場地,用以協助藝術家辦理開放工作室、創作發表、座談等各項展演活動,及共同廣宣事宜。

During the residency, NTUA will offer part of its campus for the artists to organise events like open studios, exhibitions, forums, etc. NTUA will also promote relating events for the artist beneficiaries.

■申請文件 Required application materials
(一) 國立臺灣藝術大學108年度藝術家進駐徵選申請表。

NTUA Art Residency Program Application form
1. 視覺藝術:需於申請表填寫近三年內5-10件代表作品及圖片(多媒體形式之作品每件附上5分鐘以內之影音檔),並按作品總表編號。

Visual art: Submit 5-10 photos of your works made within these three years. (For multi-media works, please submit a video less than 5 minutes in length for each piece of your works.) Use numeric system to name your works.

2. 表演藝術:需於申請表填寫近三年內3-5件代表作品,每件作品附上影音檔5分鐘以內,並按作品總表編號。

Performance art: Submit 3-5 videos made within these three years. Please submit a video less than 5 minutes in length for each piece of your works. Use numeric system to name your works.

(二) 其他有利審查之參考資料。

Other documentation that supports your application.


■申請方式 Application process
(一) 受理單位:國立臺灣藝術學有章藝術博物館教育推廣組

Executive Team: Education Promotion Section, Yo-Chang Art Museum, NTUA

Phone: +886 (0)2 2272 2181 # 2454 (Ms Po)

(二) 受理時間:108年2月13日至3月6日(星期三)17:00止

Application period: 13 February 2019 to 6 March 2019 (by 5pm).
(三) 受理方式:採線上寄件辦理,填妥申請表格,連同表格內相關檔案,於受理時間之內寄至收件信箱。

Application channel: Online application. Fill in the application form and send it to our mailbox along with other requested documents.

(四) 收件信箱 Email: ntuamuseumedu@gmail.com


Please title your mail with “Application for 2019 NTUA Art Residency Program - (your name)”
(五) 完成寄件請來電確認,若有缺件或不符規定者,恕不受理甄選。

Please make a call to the executives to make sure we receive your application. For all those fail to submit the requested documents or meet the compliance, we will not be able to process your application.


公告簡章及申請表下載 Application Form Download